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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio (2005) PG-13

Julianne Moore (Evolution) stars as the under-appreciated housewife who fully embraces the 1960's "contesting" craze and manages to keep her family of ten kids afloat through hard times.

The thought that I was struck by the most while watching this film is that the more things change, the more they stay the same.  While it's true that women can work outside the home these days, and it's
even expected, for those of us who are staying home by choice, or need to do so owing to various circumstances, there is a lot in this movie we housewives can relate to.  There are many occasions where I've sensed that my spouse feels his paycheck is devalued when I manage to scrape up a windfall at the last moment that saves the day.  A broken dishwasher, a leaking air-conditioner... if the woman comes up with the repair money, the man can still feel threatened.  But I suppose that depends on today's man.  I happened to get one of the last old-fashioned ones left.  Sometimes, it's a trial (as illustrated in this movie) and sometimes it's a blessing.

Woody Harrelson (Zombieland) gives an amazing performace as Kelly Ryan, the alcoholic husband who was once a great singer, but lost his vocal quality to an errant piece of glass in a car accident when he was young.  He is quite believable as a raging drunk.  Laura Dern lends a supporting, near-cameo role as a fellow contestant.  The movie is funny, touching, and heart-wrenching at times, even as the male characters fire up my feminist ire.

Three laugh out loud moments, a dropping of the needles once for a particularly heinous scene, and a few eyerolls at the misogyny of the era.  It's worth watching, even if you get a little misty at the end.  If you're like me and don't feel the need to watch biographical material more than once, I doubt you'd watch it a second time, so find it on Netflix or Amazon streaming.  Save the DVD budget for something important, like a bike for the kids.

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