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You've reached my blog, Knitter's Media Reviews.  Here I review movies from a knitter's point of view.  Not only do I discuss the merits of each film, I talk about how well it works as entertainment while knitting or crocheting.  This is why you're not going to find a lot of new release movies here... unless you're a hard-core, knit in public crafter who will buy lighted knitting needles to work in a darkened theater, these reviews are for the home crafter who's vegged out on the couch and trying to pick something new or interesting.

I have currently four metrics that I track during a film: LOLs (laugh out louds), NDs (needle drops), eyerolls, and Holy Crap moments.

Eventually I'm going to set up a nice table graphic that presents those at the top, along with my star rating, for the lazy people who hate to read.  For now it'll be contained in the reviews themselves.

Most of those counts are pretty self-explanatory, but I'd like to expand on a couple.

Needle drops are those moments where you're knitting along and suddenly the show becomes good... really good.  So good that you forget what you're doing and just watch the screen.  Those are pretty rare for me, as I can knit without looking at my hands most of the time unless it's something complex like lace or cables.

Holy Crap moments are those startling moments where something so unexpected, so jaw-dropping happens that you shout "Holy Crap!" without thinking about it (if you're a potty mouth like me).  Sudden car crashes, out-of-the-blue jump-scares, pianos falling on a guy's head... something like that gets an HC +1 from me.

Every Friday I try to review a knitting or crocheting book either from my collection or from Amazon's Kindle Unlimited list.  I'm thinking about adding progress reports on my current projects on Saturdays, but don't hold me to it.  I have a couple of gifts in the pipeline as of this writing, and I don't want to give it away.

Anyway, stay a while and see if there's something new and unusual you haven't seen yet.  I give honest, if not educated, opinions.  I'm a bit snarky, and I do swear, but I try to be positive where I can.

Feel free to contact me through my profile on the right if you have any questions or suggestions.

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