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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Fantastic Fear of Everything (2012)

Simon Pegg stars as J.B. "Jack" Knife, children's author, who becomes frightfully paranoid after trying to write a book about serial killers.  It seems with good reason...

This movie is not for everyone.  In parts it's a deeply atmospheric thriller/mystery, yet it inexplicably changes in parts to a comedy of tragic
circumstance, and an animated segment about a brutal hedgehog.  Once you've watched the whole thing, it works... but on the way there you're thinking "Why the hell am I still watching this?".

There were nine laugh out loud moments, so perhaps that's it.  Two eyeroll moments, however, at the absurdity of everything and Pegg's tendency to rap for what seems like no reason in his films.  One holy crap moment... I'll let you discover that one for yourself.

This is very expensive to purchase in the States as a disc, and you have to watch very carefully for region-locking.  Simpler and cheaper to either buy the Amazon Instant title, or just stream it on Netflix.

It's worth watching, and you might pick up some new details on a second viewing, but I don't think it's crucial watching.  I gave it a four out of five stars, but I think that's a bit generous.  Maybe the humor was too drily British, even for me who loves that sort of thing, or maybe it was the odd way the mix of humor and atmosphere were combined.  Whatever the case, unless you're really a stickler for hard disks and *must* own everything Simon Pegg is in, I'd just stream it or purchase the instant title.

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