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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Stellina Blue (2009)

A young woman shot in a convenience store robbery survives after a month-long coma and multiple near-deaths.  When she recovers she passes on her miracle to others.

If I had to sum up my experience watching Stellina Blue in one sentence, I'd say it's as if a romantic drama and a high school educational film had a baby.
It can be a tear-jerker, if you're really, really susceptible to that kind of thing.  Otherwise the wooden acting and weird dialogue got in the way.  Actors seemed chosen more for their appearance to fit the part rather than any acting ability.  People were ACTING! with a capital A and an exclamation point.  The three or four most believable parts were the lady from the convenience store, and the Indian family who had a daughter with cancer.  The rest may have been passable if they'd taken another run at the scene, but apparently the director was over budget or in a hurry.

I counted three laugh out loud moments, mostly on Stellina and Jack's first date, and they were good ones.  I dropped my needles for a particularly heinous scene where an upstairs neighbor was beating his wife, but the big surprise was the eyeroll count... three times!  Mostly at Jack and his corny attempts to woo Stellina.  That smug look on his face didn't help.

This is not available on DVD, but you can stream it for free on Amazon or Netflix.  It's a nice, sedate film that would be good for crafters to work to, but honestly if you want good cinema, give this a pass.  It can be cute in parts, but some parts... man, they're hard to get through.  And I don't mean emotionally.  Two out of five stars.

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