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Thursday, September 15, 2016

Hot Fuzz (2007) R

A London cop, exiled to the country for being too good at his job, finds a conspiracy in his new tiny hamlet.

Part of the "Cornetto" trilogy with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, this is by far the most ridiculous of the three, and the other two have zombies and aliens in them.  There's just something fundamentally unbelievable about a cabal of murderous townsfolk in a small village.  I've lived in small towns my whole life, and while yes, they can be rife with nepotism, gossiping busy-bodies, and odd ducks, I have yet to run into any with a secret society hell-bent on murder.

Or am I being naive?

Ridiculous as the plot is, the movie itself is a fun romp with our favorite movie buddy team.  With the insane gun play, chase scenes, and explosions Hollywood expects from its action flicks, it does not disappoint in that regard.

Three laugh out loud moments, an eye-roll at some over-the-top funny business with the town trollop, and a holy crap moment towards the end, this movie is good enough to twitch your knitting needles to, so long as you're not in it for the Shakespeare.  Four out of five stars.  It could have been five, if not for the extreme gruesomeness of the murder and mayhem.  At a price point below $10, I still recommend picking up the DVD if only to round out the trilogy.  Mindless crude humor has its place.

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