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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Captain America: Civil War (2016) PG-13

Divided by loyalties and political differences with a slight push from an unforseen source, the Avengers fight among themselves.

It's Captain America (Chris Evans) going toe-to-toe with Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.).  As the other Avengers take sides, and new characters are introduced (namely Black Panther and Spider-Man) the divide is believable and sympathy-inducing.  We can see each side clearly, and empathize... but then we also see they're being manipulated.

I was a little nervous about this one.  The Civil War story line would be hard to encapsulate in a two-hour format, and Joss Whedon is not sitting in the usual writer/director's chair.  Despite that, this latest addition to the Marvel universe series kept the humor and charm of the previous installments, and kept the exciting pace of action going as well.  The addition of Peter Parker/Spider-Man was delightfully fun, and seeing the reunion of Marisa Tomei (as Aunt May) sitting next to Downey on the couch was a nice visual for those of us who lived through and watched Downey's early career.  (You younger fans might want to look up Only You if you're interested in an early career rom-com.)

Eight laugh out loud moments, and a record-setting six "holy crap" moments (a lot of which were made during chase scenes with some impressive fight moves).  I didn't even bother trying to knit through this one, though I was tempted  to pick it up in the middle when there was a bit of exposition.

A fine addition to the series, I give it a full five stars.  Pop some popcorn and set the knitting down the first time through, though... the visuals should all be seen at least once.

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