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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Space Station 76 (2014)

Liv Tyler (Armageddon), Matt Bomer (White Collar), Patrick Wilson (Hard Candy)

Life is like the swinging '70s aboard Space Station 76... a refueling station that is moving (for some unknown reason) through the stars.  The arrival of a new, female XO (Tyler) seems to shake things up, and not in a good way.

Based on a stage play, this romp through space with a 70's vibe was a complete waste of time.  Most of the movie was just illustrating how unhappy everyone was, and why.  The last minute or so was the ambiguous result of a near-disaster that was avoided through sheer luck.  There was no growth of characters, no real conflict... just empty events and machinations of a few manipulative and lonely women.

Really the best part about it was Sunshine, her father, and the attempt to recreate the 70's version of sci-fi.  A few more silver jumpsuits and we might have had it.

One laugh out loud moment, and two eyerolls... the eyerolls mostly at the throwback misogyny and the obvious, desperate cattiness of Sunshine's mom.

Really, while you're watching it, it can be interesting at moments, but when all those moments end up culminating in no payoff and no real story, it feels like a cheat.  Like a gas station that's moving through space so that you can never find it, I don't think anyone watching this will be able to find anything meaningful in this film.  It's just not what you're expecting it to be.

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