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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Sex Tape (2014) R

Jason Segel (How I Met Your Mother), Cameron Diaz (Charlie's Angels)

A married couple get a night without the kids, and to celebrate they make a video of themselves having sex.  Trouble is they didn't know it would autosynch to the cloud.  Now it's out there, and they have to try and get it back before it ruins her career and his life.  Cuz if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.

Okay, you do not want to watch this if the F word is a problem for you.  Just don't even
try, because it's unavoidable.  It's even part of how they say "I love you".

Now, I did laugh at this a lot, but I have to ask myself... would I ever watch it again?  No.  For all its funny parts, the cringe-worthy moments are just too much to overcome.  I actually fast-forwarded through portions because I just didn't want to watch the unbearable awkwardness.

Also, a dog gets beat up.  It's okay in the end, but there is some serious, long-winded smackdown going on against a german shepherd that's hard for a dog-lover to watch, even with it being apologetic and semi-unintentional.

Actual counts?  Eighteen laugh out loud moments... mostly at human stupidity.  A single needle drop, but I can't remember what scene, a holy crap moment when Segel jumps off the balcony, and an eyeroll at Rob Lowe.  Seriously.  Though he side-stepped demonstrating his familiarity with drug use very nicely.

At the very end we are treated to an abbreviated viewing of the sex tape itself, and its... horribleness.  If someone walks in on you at that exact moment when it's on the screen, you're going to be mortified, I don't care who you are.

For all the laughter, pass this one by.  It's not crude, but it is rude, obnoxious, embarrassing (both for yourself and the actors) and just not worth the time.  One out of five stars. 

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