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Friday, February 27, 2015

First Book of Modern Lace Knitting (1953-1972)

Book review Friday:
First Book of Modern Lace Knitting (Dover Knitting, Crochet, Tatting, Lace)

The title of this book is deceptive, unless you consider 1953 to be "modern".  For someone who loves to create doilies, and is looking for new patterns or techniques, this is still a fairly nice book.

There are some quirks you're going to want to be aware of, however.  First, all
needle sizes (called "knitting pins" in the text) are in British sizes.  What's more, even though there is a section under "Materials" at the beginning that offers conversions for American knitters, these are in older terms as well... i.e. "size 11 double pointed needles or size 1 circular".  There is no chart, and only a couple of sizes are listed in this "helpful" paragraph.  You may have to count up or down to get a comparative size for the pattern you wish to work.

The two projects I've worked from this book, I just knit a sample and chose the size that gave the proper effect.

Another quirk is that while there are a few projects that require the common and easy-to-get size 10 crochet cotton, most of them are for size 40 or even 70.  I don't know about your local stores, but I have to special order those sizes.

The projects are pretty.  I was especially happy with some heart-motif projects, as I have a sibling who recently got married on Valentine's day.  They were quick to work up once you look up the unusual abbreviations in the front of the book, and look lovely when finished.

If you're a knitting fiend who is constantly looking for new/old ways to do things, you will like this book.  If you need clear instructions that you can read without looking up conversions or terms, then you might want to check it out from the library and test it.

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