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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Apollo 13 (1995) PG

A dramatization of the real-life events of the Apollo 13 moon mission.  Tom Hanks as Jim Lovell, Bill Paxton as Fred Haise, Kevin Bacon as Jack Swigert, and Gary Sinise as Ken Mattingly.

I guess it's theme week again here on Knitter's Media Reviews... this time it's space.   It was almost going to be a Kubrick filled week, since I have the triple feature version of "2001", but as you might remember from yesterday's review, I am not a fan.  I decided to be kind to myself in 2017.

It's an exciting movie to be sure... how much of it is fact, and how much of it is fiction or exaggeration is for you to decide.  I know having lived in and around Houston for several years, it's highly plausible when the whole region is steeped in the space center culture.  You drive by the massive building, or take the tour, and watching films like this one take on a whole new meaning.

Despite having seen this before, there were a few "holy crap" moments when explosions take you by surprise.  Not a lot of laughs in this one, and only a borderline eye roll when they had to work in the daughter being despondent over the breakup of the Beatles.  Yes, we get that it was 1970, can we move on?

As a maker's movie, it satisfies.  There are stretches of conversation or waiting that don't require your eyes if you need to watch your hands.

Definitely one for the action film lover, or anyone who's fascinated by the space program.  Again, DVD prices are so low lately that adding to your collection (if you have the... space... no pun intended) seems like a no-brainer.  Four out of five stars.

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