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Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Brothers Grimm (2005)

The Brothers Grimm (2005) - Matt Damon (Bourne Trilogy) and Heath Ledger (The Dark Knight) are the Grimm brothers... con men who go from village to village, using the old superstitious lore of the area to pose as hunters of the evil and supernatural... for a price.  But when they are caught out by an occupying French general and his Italian torturer, they are sent to a remote village to debunk an ancient curse that turns out to be all too real.  Directed by Terry Gilliam.

Perhaps I am spoiled by TV shows such as Supernatural and (ironically) Grimm, but there is a way to
present supernatural fiction-turned-real in such a way that the periphery of the story does not turn into a ridiculous farce.  This movie fails in that respect.  The general and his cohorts are so comically over-the-top that it ruins the rest of the movie.  This may be about fairy tales and fiction, but it could be presented with humor without resorting to absurdities.

For some people this is the appeal of Terry Gilliam and his movies like Time Bandits.  If that's the kind of thing you enjoy, then you will love this movie.  I believe, however, that just because you are telling an unbelievable tale doesn't mean that you should tell it in an unbelievable way.  The writer's job and the director's job is to sell it... make the audience believe it.  When you throw in ridiculous toupees and over-painted French nobility making huge speeches with a spear through the heart, you're just not doing it right.

I knew this was farcical from nearly the beginning, but even then I rolled my eyes a few times when the ridiculousness pushed even its usual limits.  I did laugh out loud four times, mostly at the cleverness of the brothers' dialogue, and the stupidity of their assistants.

The acting was superb, and I cannot fault that.  The effects of the spooky forest, the queen's magic, and the huntsman's transformation were amazing and visually appealing.  This would not be a good movie to knit to, as that is 80% of its appeal.  It's just a shame that the side-trips into the story of the occupying French general pretty much ruined the tale for me.  I give this movie a two out of five stars.

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