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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Hiatus 9/2015

This movie review site will be going on a temporary hiatus until such time as I can find an internet provider out here in the boondocks that doesn't have the annoying tendency to cut out on me for days at a time.  While there are rumors (and big spools of cabling on the side of the road to back it up) of a fiber optic network being laid in our neighborhood, there is no telling how long this will take.  For now, I am on satellite and it sucks.

When it comes to my writing I prefer to have a routine, and when I cannot rely on my infrastructure to maintain that routine, it becomes a lot less fun for me.  I was trying to buffer their unreliability by scheduling posts ahead of time, but my margin got consumed by their latest outage.

I'll be back when the situation changes.